- You can view/download the application and handbook here.
- Applications are also available at your school or you can apply online at eTrition. Please note you will need your student’s ID number to apply online.
- The flat rates for student bus passes are:
- Quarterly Round Trip: $72
- Quarterly One Way: $36
- One-way bus coupons are sold by sheets of 10 at $10 per sheet
Payment will only be accepted after the school approves the application. Once approved, remit payment either in person or by mail at the school office (please do not mail in cash payments). All payments are due prior to the first day of using the bus service. Accepted payment includes cash, cashier’s check and money order (made payable to The Department of Education. If you have applied online and your application was approved, you will receive an email that will prompt you to pay via the EZSchoolPay website.